As a representative of the NGOs (who have a reputation for making several provocative statements, a few that are objective and even these at the wrong time) may I claim the freedom to make a few sets of statements based on the perceptions of an observer, since I am an outsider to the agricultural research family.
Having spent over 25 years in development in various capacities, may I start off with a set of statements based on personal experience as well as on reports from others, ranging from the people who have been involved in the development process to academics and scientists who have contributed to it. The context of these statements is limited to (i) India, (ii) Rural India, (iii) Rainfed rural areas with erratic rainfall from 300 to 600 mm, (iv) undulating terrain with high soil erosion and poor soil quality and to a society which is not homogeneous but is comprised of groups with varied access to, and control of, economic, political and social power. MYRADA has been working in partnership with ICAR, Wastelands Development Board, the Swiss Development Cooperation, German Agro-Action, E.Z.E, PLAN International and with Canadian Organisations such as CIDA, HOPE, and the C.H.F in these arid areas for several years. Many of the observations in this paper are drawn from this experience.
The first set of statements sets the context and provides the reasons that demand a sustained commitment from all of us to ensure that the poor play a role in decisions regarding investment in future agricultural strategy:
Though at the global level there is evidence that the prices of food grains (cereals) has shown a declining trend over the past ten years, this is not reflected in the rural areas where the prices of cereals (rice, finger and pearl millet, sorghum), as well as of fuel and cooking oil have registered an annual average increase of approximately l5% to 2O% between l985 to l995. This is the case in four rural areas across three states in Southern India where MYRADA is working. The proportion of daily wages spent on food has also increased significantly during this period. This is why people who were reluctant to join “food for work” programmes (outside drought situations) in the early ‘8Os were willing to do so
A recent statement by the Finance Minister of India that the number of people under the poverty line has decreased from 25% in 1987-88 to l9% in 1993-94, has been accepted with a degree of scepticism by many. I am, however, inclined to accept his figures, but with the proviso that there has been significant improvement only in certain parts where the number below the poverty line has fallen even below l5%. There is evidence, however, that in arid areas there has been little improvement and even a rise in the number below the poverty line. Even in areas where there has been significant improvement in livelihoods, the gap between the poorest and others has grown. The dependence on markets for food has also increased due to social pressures, this in turn has increased peoples vulnerability to market fluctuations. A new strategy, therefore, which is adequately diversified to cope with issues specific to the area and to the local configuration in society, is called for. Surveys also indicate that those who have succeeded, attribute their success to their own initiative. Government services (such as agricultural extension in rice and wheat producing areas) which the larger farmers especially with irrigation facilities found useful in the past, is viewed increasingly as irrelevant to further progress. Though infrastructure provided by Government such as roads, electricity and markets have played a significant role, it is not being expanded or maintained at the level required to cope with demand; this is an additional cause of frustration. Besides, scarcity of these resources, reduces the access of the poor to them, since political, economic power and social status, which the poor do not enjoy, play a major role in ensuring access to resources in a situation of scarcity.
Researchers inform us that the population will exert an extraordinarily heavy pressure on food supply. Even if current productivity growth rates continue, a world-wide shortfall in cereal production of 700 million tons is expected by the year 2025. The shortfall in oilseeds, fuel and other items in the food basket will probably be higher. We are also told that there will be a dramatic increase in population between the years 2005 and 2025, and a decline after that. Whether this increase and decline will be uniform throughout, or whether the increase will be greater and the decline slower in developing countries when compared to the developed (taking into account both natural increase and the potential to migrate which globalisation should promote) is not clear. If it turns out to be so, then the stress on the poor will surely increase, especially if the projected productivity increases in cereals does not materialise in these countries and if the purchasing power of the poor does not register a significant rise.
We are also told that on a global scale, grain production per person is showing signs of stagnation due to reduction in productivity increase and other factors like water logging in irrigated areas, salinity and increasing extension of cultivation into marginal lands. Studies in India, for example show a marked increase in areas affected by sodicity and a significant decline in lands held by Government which were allocated for pasture and grazing since they were not fit for cultivation; the decline over a period of ten years (1975-85) is in the range of 5 million ha.; these lands have largely gone under cultivation.
Researchers also warn us that the size of land holdings will continue to decline; it is expected to be one tenth of a hectare per person by the year 2025 in South Asia. Can we expect productivity increases to compensate for this loss, or will the marginal farmer have to depend almost entirely on the market for his food?
Is there any need to point out the proportionately heavy erosion of soil from marginal lands on higher slopes which are usually cultivated by the poorer farmers? In MYRADA’s Gulbarga project, a number of experts were surprised when the richer farmers cultivating lands lower in a watershed objected to soil erosion control measures higher up, on the grounds that their harvest of soil would be reduced. This is only one example, among many others, that draw attention to the importance of social configuration in development strategy that seeks to focus on the poor.
There has been no investment in Government Revenue lands even though they have a close interaction with agricultural lands and impact significantly on their productivity. A similar situation prevails with degraded forest lands; there is no strategy to relate the health of these degraded forest lands with sustained productivity in adjacent dryland farms. One has only to read the National Forest Policy of l988 and various other policy and administrative guidelines to see that the concept of this inter relationship does not hold a significant place. In MYRADA projects covering arid areas of Anantapur District in Andhra Pradesh and the eastern part of Chitradurga District in Karnataka, the price of one bag of biomass (not farm yard manure) is equivalent to the price of half a bag of urea. The forest lands are bare, except where eucalyptus or acacia auriculaformis plantations have survived; yet people continue to make an effort to meet their food needs in an environment that is decreasingly supportive.
Increases in agricultural productivity during the past 30 years have been largely restricted to irrigated areas and confined to rice and wheat and, to a limited extent, to major millets. Even where research has focused on dry land crops, it has been usually restricted to single plant improvement without adopting an integrated approach essential to ensuring sustainability in dry areas. In rainfed areas there have been limited increases restricted to a few areas; declines in productivity have been a far more common feature. This had directly affected the livelihoods of the poor.
The prices of materials used in food production (such as seeds, fertilisers (except urea), animal feeds and fuel) have increased sharply in the context of liberalisation and the removal of subsidies. One must, however, record (contrary to the claims of a few local politicians), that small farmers who are able to manage their water requirements are happy with the improved quality of seeds supplied by some private companies and even to produce hybrid seed on contract. The sharp increase in prices of fertilisers (except urea) has had a serious impact on productivity in dryland areas. In some parts of South India, such as Kerala, where horticulture is a major livelihood source, farmers have shifted from P and K based fertilisers after the prices increased dramatically, to farm yard manure which is being imported in large quantities from Southern parts of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. With the prices of farm yard manure rising, farmers in these areas have opted to sell F.M instead of applying it to their fields. With decreasing farmyard input, the productivity of dryland farms is bound to decline. The use of P and K based fertilisers in these areas has also declined sharply due to price increases with urea remaining the only inorganic input; this unbalanced use of fertiliser will further decrease the quality of soils in these areas which are already highly vulnerable.
The second set of statements represents largely my beliefs; some are strongly influenced by my vision of society and will, therefore, be disputed, others have been accepted by-and- large.
Development strategy needs to focus investment on the regeneration and management of natural resources mainly because success in this area creates the greatest potential for improving livelihood opportunities for the poor. The recent focus on productivity of labour, therefore, needs to be matched with a sustained investment in and commitment to the productivity of lands under the Forestry, Revenue and other departments, Water bodies and Biosphere Reserves. Management systems appropriate to each area and asset need to evolve with the support of strategic intervention where required.
For productivity in dryland agriculture to become sustainable, all lands in a micro watershed must come under one management (not ownership) which reflects all interests. Experience in MYRADA’s projects indicates that for such a management system,(involving several groups as well as Government) to emerge and to be effective, requires changes in policy and in attitudes, and adequate investment in time and resources. Experience also indicates that for the poor to benefit, they need to be organised into self-help groups which are based on affinity and homogeneity and which can mobilise their own resources and build networks and linkages; together these factors provide them with the support they need to gain the skills and confidence required to change their lives for the better. Experience also indicates that outside intervention (possibly from an NGO which has a comparative advantage in these areas) will be required to initiate the process (and to intervene strategically as it progresses) leading towards this integrated system of area management as well as to ensure that the poor play an effective role in the process and benefit from it.
The new mantra of liberalisation and globalisation will bring new opportunities to a few – all among the educated elite, and a host of problems – most of which will impinge on the poor. While this mantra may contain the economic and technical potential required to transform the lives of the elite as well as of the poor, the chances are that the elite alone will benefit since they have greater access to and control of these resources. Unless each of us here makes a serious commitment to ensure that future policy, strategy and investment in agriculture are driven by the socio-economic demands of poor households and unless we commit ourselves to ensure that others act to achieve the same objective, the “Doubly Green Revolution”, as some would call it, will have no direct impact on the livelihood resources of the poor. I believe that if we are to play an effective role in achieving this objective, many of us will have to review and renew our skills, change our attitudes towards people’s roles, become critical of the value of technical expertise and methodologies to which we have been accustomed, and support individuals in our organisation with a vision and with initiative as well as civic groups including NGOs and parastatal institutions who can contribute towards achieving the same objectives.
I believe that for agricultural research to be people driven (especially by people farming on drylands under stress) it is not enough to have one or two initiates (showpieces) which depend on the commitment of a few individuals; a new vision is required that impacts throughout the system as well as dynamic leadership (both political and executive) to motivate people to share the same vision and to translate it into objectives and strategies. The new approach should have at least the following features in order to support and sustain a research strategy which gives priority to the needs of dryland farmers:
In terms of extension strategy:
– A shift from a commodity driven approach which has structured extension strategy so far, to a farming systems approach especially in dryland areas, where farmers have evolved traditional mixes in farming systems to meet their needs and to build in insurance against local condition (weather, rainfall patterns, animals etc.).
– A change in the information system; from a monopoly with a didactic and top-down approach, to a system that actively involves private companies, traders, NGOs and agencies dealing with agricultural inputs and markets. This will enable farmers to avail of the most accessible source and to compare and assess information; it will also provide feedback to research from a broad spectrum of sources and perspectives. Presently these intervenors are considered as competitors, profit seekers or just marginalised and kept at arms length. Professional services in communication need to be tapped to ensure that the medium and the message are effective. The message needs to emerge from active interaction with people and be based on the actual experiences of farmers with similar farming systems in dryland areas.
– A shift from standardisation (which has a strong bias towards irrigated cropping systems) in terms of attitudes, extension skills and systems to differentiation in order to meet the specific needs of small and marginal farmers in dryland areas whose farming systems differ not only from area to area, but even within an area, depending on their need, on the location (slope, near roads, towns or forests) of their fields and homesteads, on the depth, quality and type of soils (one micro watershed on the Deccan plateau often has several different types of soils; soil depths also differ significantly restricting horticulture to certain areas in the lower reaches which may not support the strategy to manage soil & water in a watershed), on the grazing lands available, on the availability of inputs, infrastructure and markets, on the credit and labour resources they are able to mobilise and on their yearly assessment of the performance and timing of the monsoon. This requires a broadening of the present spectrum of skills and support services which are currently limited to providing technical knowledge directed to production, and that of a single commodity or sector (often described as a ‘go-it-alone’ approach) to one that includes skills that support optimum farming systems, that fosters intra-sectoral complementaries (agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry) as well as linkages to institutions providing support to a broad range of activities. Technical knowledge alone is not adequate; farmers also need support to reduce input costs and incomes; they need to identify and exploit potential markets. In one MYRADA project, farmers who were growing flowers were being fleeced by middlemen. Though some of MYRADA staff identified the middlemen as the major obstacle to increases in farmers’ incomes, the farmers themselves did not; instead they asked to have a telephone installed to enable them to gain access to information, on a daily basis, about prices in two major flower markets where the flowers were sold. They were provided with a telephone; this enabled them to bargain with the middlemen every day which increased their incomes by over 50%.
– A shift from exclusive focus of research efforts on a single crop in laboratory or institute conditions to one which embraces all factors in order to evolve a synergy that provides the basis on sustained productivity taking into account both dryland farming field conditions and peoples perceptions and needs.
– A shift from an approach dominated by the culture of a ‘delivery system’ and assessed by targets that are easily quantifiable, to one that provides long term support to bu ld appropriate farmers’ institutions which are encouraged to design their own rules and sanctions, their responsibilities and rights, their systems of records and financial control; they need not be registered if the members decide that registration is not necessary and may even make them vulnerable to official harassment. If their decisions are recorded, their financial systems open, their leadership changed regularly and whatever responsibilities they undertake carried out successfully, they need to be treated as viable and legitimate institutions even though they may not conform to the official blueprint. MYRADA’s experience with over 3000 such groups has provided sufficient evidence that if dryland farmers with similar farming systems are supported to form such self help groups whose members are linked on the basis of affinity, they can gain the confidence required to take the initiative during the process of identification and prioritisation of needs (for a project or research agenda) and for planning, budgeting, implementation and sustained management of investment and resources. This extension approach requires skills in institution building, participatory techniques and attitudes that empower farmers’ groups.