Executive Director Mr. Aloysius P. Fernandez has been conferred the prestigious PADMASHRI title by the Government of India. This was announced by the Government on the 50th Anniversary of India’s Republic Day, i.e., January 26, 2000. The President of India honoured him with a citation.
We are sharing this with you because we are sure you will be as pleased about it as we are. It also gives us an opportunity to thank you for your faith in MYRADA and you support to our work, which has contributed in no small measure to the recognition of MYRADA and its Executive Director

We are happy to share the good news that our Executive Director Aloysius P. Fernandez has been awarded the CARITAS INDIA JUBILEE 20O0 award. He was the Deputy Director of CARITAS India from 1971 to 1975.
CARITAS India is the official development wing of the CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERNENCE OF INDIA. It is headquartered in New Delhi; it has around 130 staff, with several Regional Offices throughout the country. It is a network of 129 Social Service Societies at the level of the Dioceses in India. It is also affiliated to the International Network of Caritas Organisations.
CARITAS India is in the forefront of relief and rehabilitation after major disasters and has an on-going development portfolio related to agriculture, animal husbandry, housing and sanitation, credit groups, etc. with a strong focus on animation and training. The citation refers to our Director’s involvement in the Bangladesh Refugee Operations in 1971 and to his contribution towards professionalising the organisation.
The Award which was instituted by CARITAS this year was given on November 22, at 6.00 p.m.at the National Centre during the National Assembly of Caritas held every two years. Our Hon. Government Governor Smt.V.S.Rama Devi presided over the function.