- Making Primary Health Care a Reality
Donor: Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and Allied Trusts
Aim of the Project: To improve quality and reach of primary health care through effective community based responses with the support of local institutions such as the VHSC, GP and ARS.
Objectives of the Project:
- To conduct a participatory needs assessment through VHSCs, GPs and ARS to determine
- Significant health problems and needs of the community
- Current status of health service centres – government and private
- To strengthen the governance role of the VHSC, and ARS through institutional capacity building
- To facilitate community based monitoring mechanisms that will regularly identify, plan and ensure that essential health care, safe drinking water, nutrition and effective environment hygiene will be available for remote rural communities.
- To engage the private health care providers in providing quality care to remote areas.
Geographical Area and Coverage: 2 PHCs each (total of 8 PHCs) in four districts of Bidar, Bellary, Gulbarga and Yadgir. Project covers 138 villages with a population of 2,20,637.
- All the identified malnourished children are tracked under five steps of nutrition management for every six months in collaboration with the VHSC members and receive services such as counselling on nutrition, access to micro nutrients, nutrition supplement from anganwadi, monthly check-up
- Approximately 2000 pregnant receive periodic monthly check up
- 1897 disabled persons identified through disability assessment camps for receiving services such as disability certificate & pension, disability aids, physio therapy, admissions to special or regular schools for disabled persons below 14 years and provision of employment linked skill training for those above 14 years.
- Tippy Tap Initiative – promotion of the simple measure of hand washing to prevent many communicable diseases. Facilities for hand washing such as tap and soap established in 91 schools and 123 anganwadis.
- 20000 children below five years fully immunised
- 41 health check camps conducted across 8 PHCs with focus on children below five years, pregnant women and mothers.
Find a detailed report on the project here.
- Nutrition Management Programme
Donor: Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH) Germany
Project Aim and Objectives:
- Sustainable Approaches to Improving Food and Nutritional Security in Rural Population of the Northern Karnataka”
- To conduct a baseline assessment on the extent of malnutrition in children below 5 years
- Nutritional assessment of children below 5 years
- To determine the current feeding practices in terms of nutritional content of families with under 5 years children
- To understand the current response to the nutrition supplementation given through the Anganwadi centers to children below 5 years
- To establish specific nutrition intervention packages for those identified with Severe Acute Malnutrition and Moderate Acute Malnutrition
- To involve local self-help groups to promote local production of high value nutrient mixes using locally available raw material and home based technologies.
- To sensitize local level institution such as the SHGs, VHSC, gram panchayats and front line workers to their role in prevention and care of malnutrition in children in their communities.
- To determine the baseline situation of primary education of children in the same working area.
- To sensitize the local School Development and Monitoring Committees (SDMCs) of the local schools to promote primary education and follow up any drop out cases.
- To analyze the impact of the NREGA scheme on the status of the commons in the working area.
- To document the key learnings of the first three years to facilitate replication in affected areas of North India.
Geographical Area and Coverage: 2 PHCs in Gulbarga district covering a population of 50000 in 10,467 households and 4 PHCs in Bidar district
- Awareness on growth chart and grading (Tracking of children identified with moderate and severe malnutrition).
- Kitchen garden practice
- Working with farmer’s groups to change the attitudes of farmers towards millets production which requires less input. This is for increasing better food & fodder security for farmer, increasing the nutritional security for the farmers and community & making them to use for self-consumption & making them to preserve the same varietal seeds for next cropping season.
- Community seed bank
- Sensitization of all CBOs on nutrition and food security and education issues.
Karnataka Anaemia Prevention Programme -2 (KAP2, Pilot Programme)
Donor : St. Johns Medical Research Institute, Bangalore
Project Objectives :
To test the hypothesis that a frontline LHW delivered screening, education and tracking intervention will reduce childhood anemia prevalence compared with the standard approach.
Geographical Area and Coverage :
60 villages in Chamarajanagar Taluk, Chamarajanagar District
- Training for 30 selected Anganavadi workers on anemia control
- Blood testing to identify anemic children.
- To provide nutrition support for anemic children & mothers.
- Treat & track of anemic children & mothers
- Awareness to Angavadi workers & mothers on control of anaemia.
- Nutrition supplement given to anaemic children.
- Menstrual Hygienic Awareness Program for SHG women
26.08.2017 at Murarjidesai Residential High School at Bannihatti & on 31.08.2017 at Community Hall Toranagal RS.

- Myrada Soukhya Project
Donor: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT) and Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS)
Project Objective: Reduce transmission of HIV/STIs in female sex workers, MSMs and their regular sexual partners in 47 towns across 5 districts of Karnataka.
The project aimed to organise people with high risk of HIV/STI infection into groups and train them to manage their institutions as well as promote health seeking behaviour among such people.
Geographical Area and Coverage : Worked with 17149 sex workers (of which 14398 were female sex) workers in five districts – Bellary, Chamrajnagar, Chitradurga, Gulbarga, Kolar – of Karnataka.
- Over 400 groups of FSWs formed comprising 6499 members
- Systematic programme MIS, finances and livelihood skill training; intensive capacity building for all groups
- Compared to non-group members, group members were more willing to attend clinics for health services
- Group members went on their own to avail HIV and syphilis tests whereas non group members had to be escorted
- Group members were more willing to get condoms on their own whereas non-group members had to get it from peer educators
Find a study report on the project here
Technical Support and Capacity Building In HIV/AIDS Prevention Care and Support Through Public Private Collaborations in South India
Donor: Centres for Disease Control
Project Goals and Objectives : Goal To strengthen the response to HIV AIDS through Capacity Building and TechnicalSupport in collaboration with public and private sector organizations in Karnataka.
- To select and build, through the sub grantees, capacities of government sectors, field based NGOs and CBOs in comprehensive prevention, voluntary counseling and testing, and care and support for PLWHA.
- To identify organizations who will provide capacity building for health care providers in Basic HIV care.
- To develop and strengthen public private partnerships
Geographical Area and Coverage: Women in Self Help Groups and Youth in two districts – Belgaum and Gulbarga – of Karnataka
- Orientation on HIV/STI to college heads (100 colleges), industry heads (17) and HIV positive networks (2 networks)
- 3271 awareness programmes conducted for women in SHGs (37187 women addressed)
- 21 Village Health Committees formed
- 100 Red Ribbon Clubs with 2633 youth members formed
- Need assessment of 7 VCTCs
- 200 condom service outlets established
- 175 individuals trained in community mobilisation, 225 individuals trained in stigma and risk reduction, 65 individuals trained in institutional capacity building
Click here to read the final progress report of the project
Donor: PLAN International, USAID, FHI
Geographical Area and Coverage :
Four taluks of Belgaum District – Chikkodi, Hukker, Raibag and Gokak
- Health & Sanitation Project under NOVIB’s Core Grant Support Programme
Donor: NOVIB
Project Objectives :
Improving the Health status of SAG member’s families on reproductive & child health & sanitation, awareness programme, health camps.
- Health awareness increased among the community.
- Identified health problems and taken the treatment.
- Provided necessary treatment for eye, dental, speech & hearing problems
- MISERIOR Funded Health Programme in Kollegal
Project Objectives :
To improve health & sanitation among the family community & schools.
Geographical Area and Coverage :
50 villages in Chamrajnagar district in Karnataka
- Health awareness camp : 54
- Total village sanitation awareness camp : 65
- Toilets :4431
- Compost Pit : 98
- Smokeless chula :2154
- Bore well platform repair : 108
- General Health Camp : 6
- No of mem attended for eye camps : 1271
- Pulse polio for no of children’s :4568
- No of School children trg on sanitation : 396
- Total schools Sanitation : 65
- Community hall constructed : 12
- National Rural Health Mission Anaemia Control Programme
Donor: Department of Health, GoK
Project Objectives :
Control of Anemia Programme in 16 PHCs & 1 GH of Kollegal taluk through tracking of pregnant women, adolescent girls & young children’s, sensitization of key stake holders/other medical providers
Geographical Area and Coverage :
309 villages in Kollegal Taluk, Chamrajnagar District
- Identification of anemicchildrens& mothers through Blood testing
- To provide nutrition supplement to anemicchildrens& mothers
- Monitoring & refer the saviour anemic patients to hospital.
- Tracking of anemic patients.
- Deworming campaign.
- Reduction in anaemia in target group from base line to end line – in pregnant women from 66% to 24%, in adolescent girls from 53% to 27%
- PHCF – Reproductive and Child Health Programme
Donor: PHCF, Department of Health, GoK
Project Objectives
- To provide awareness to the community and specific groups on the importance of RCH, child nutrition and availability of health services.
- To ensure that the community utilizes the available health services with regard to RCH on a regular basis.
- To monitor the nutritional status of all children below 5 years both in and out of the anganwadis with the help of the local SAGs.
- To collaborate and actively involve the local community institutions such as the village health and sanitation communities (VHSC), the SAGs and Gram Panchayats in improving the RCH and child nutrition status of their communities.
Geographical Area and Coverage :
3 PHCs in Kollegal taluk, Chamrajnagar district
- 628 SAG members got awareness on maternal health care, MMR, IMR, LBW, Safe motherhood, Immunization package, ANC & PNC, Institutional delivery ,family planning, anemia control,
- sensitized 260 VHSC members on role & responsibilities,
- 193 GP members trained on MCH programme and their role & responsibility in implementing this programme
- Need based services provided, home visits to identify health issues, tracking of pregnant women and adolescents for anaemia
- Control of Vector Borne Diseases
Donor: Department of Health & Family Welfare [KHSDRP] Government of Karnataka
Project Objectives
- To provide awareness to the community and specific groups on the importance of good sanitation and environmental hygiene, basics of vector borne disease, and availability of health service.
- To ensure that the community utilizes the available health services with regard to diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya on a regular basis.
- To monitor the cases of vector borne diseases in the selected villages with the help of the local SHGs.
- To enlist the support of the gram panchayath in promoting safety and precautionary measures to reduce the mosquito menace through regular spraying, removal stagnant water sources and prompt response to fresh water collections after rains.
- To collaborate and actively involve the local community institutions such as the Village Health and Sanitation Committees (VHSC), the SHGs and gram panchayaths in improving the vector borne diseases status of their communities
Geographical Area and Coverage : 6 PHCs in 3 taluks of Kolar district
- Training in causes of Vector borne disease, source of mosquito breeding and methods of destroying, control measuresand Role & Responsibilities of health Staff
- 100% control of vector born disease,
- 100% awareness on importance of good sanitation around home, through knowledge on chikungunya, malaria and dengue.
- Women Health Training Programme
Donor: IHMR, Bangalore
Project Objectives : For a better understanding of the impact of the project and change in the accessing the health facilities for their needs, collection of data on RCH indicators of NRHM from PHCs of selected CMRCs
Geographical Area and Coverage : Selected CMRC working areas in Bangarpet and MalurTaluks
- Research cum demonstration project implemented with 75 SHG members
- 100% awareness reported on personal hygiene
- 80% respondents reported usage of sanitary napkins
- Integrated Domestic Water Management Project
Donor: Arghyam
Project Objectives
- Integration between several aspects; the water resources of the town, the water supply and distribution systems and water usage at the domestic, commercial and industrial levels, sanitation systems, wastewater treatment, reuse and finally safe disposal back into the source. The objective is to try and meet water demand with local water resources through efficient management instead of shipping water through pipelines from far away sources.
- To build people’s institutions that are able to manage existing water and sanitation issues effectively, so that citizens of the project town, especially the poor, have access to their rightful share of water and sanitation facilities – in a sustainable manner.
- Assessing the complete water needs and sanitation facilities of the households and the existing water sources in the project villages
- Improving the situation in a technically, environmentally, institutionally and financially sustained basis through participatory planning and implementation
- Systematic documentation and sharing interventions under the project and studying their impact on the population in the project area
- Establishing suitable institutional framework involving Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) for Operation and Maintenance of the systems put in place
Geographical Area and Coverage : One town (11075 families) and two villages (population of 1510) in Kolar district
- 100% awareness on importance of sanitation
- 86% usage of house hold toilets
- Supply of 100% safe drinking water
- Reduction of time consumed for water fetching especially for school going children
- Clean and neat village
- Prevention from water infections
- Creation assets such as toilet, water tank, bathrooms , roof water harvesting units
- Safe disposal of village waste water