The following are MYRADA’s ongoing Vocational Education and Education Projects
- Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme (EAP) and Skills & Entrepreneurship Development Programme (SEDP) for SHGs formed under Livelihoods Promotion Programme of Integrated Watershed Management Programme
Donor: District Watershed Development Department, Kolar
Geographical Area and Coverage: 4263 SHG members for EAP and 1104 SHG members for SEDP in Bangarpet and MalurTaluks of Kolar District
Objectives :
In a typical watershed programme, it is generally the land holders who derive more benfits. The objective of this programme was to address the vulnerable families living in the watershed. Program aim was to increase incomes of vulnerable families (land less, SC/ST, small and marginal farmers)
- A total of 3731 persons covered under EAP programmes
- 546 provided training in skills such as Candle Making, Agarbatti Production, manufacturing of food products, soap making. 88% of trained members started income generation activities
- Short Term Employable Skills training under CSR Employability Project of Godrej & Boyce
Donor: Godrej & Boyce
Geographical Area and Coverage: Over 3000 unemployed youth in the 18-35 age group from low income/socially marginalised families; focus on children of SHG members and sex workers; in Bellary, Chamrajnagar, Chitradurga, Gulbarga and Kolar districts
Objectives :
To give need based vocational skills for those unemployed youth who have been unable to continue with formal education and dropped out of schools/colleges due to various factors
To enumerate all the households in the targeted
- Project implemented through CMRCs
- 3830 rural youth trained in skills such as basic fabrication & welding, carpentry, masonry and plumbing.
- 65% of trained youth supported for either salaried jobs or self-employment
- Steps initiated to establish model training centres at rural level for providing higher level training in these trades to enable trained youth gain higher skills and earn more incomes
- Usha Silai School Programme
Donor: Usha International Limited
Geographical Area and Coverage : Unemployed, lowly paid women and housewives in the 18-35 age group from low income/socially marginalised families; focus on children of SHG members and sex workers; in Bellary, Chamrajnagar, Chitradurga, Gulbarga and Kolar districts.
Objectives :
To reach the most remote villages of the country through the Silai School Programme by establishing a school for teaching girls and women in the village to sew as per industry standards and this school shall be operated and maintained by a woman entrepreneur using USHA sewing machine
- Project implemented through CMRCs
- Each beneficiary provided with tailoring training material as well as machine and enabled to stitch as well as provide training to other women – around 20 women – in her neighbourhood
- Child Fund Supported Programme for Children
Donor: Child Fund India
Project Objectives
- To enumerate all the households in the targeted area
- To assess the basic demographic and background information of households in target area
- To identify the children for enrolling under ChildFund India Programme sponsorship based on set criteria for DEV(Deprived, Excluded Vulnerable)
Geographical Area and Coverage : Devdurg taluk, Raichur district
- BIRLA CSR Programme
Computer Training at Challakere CMRC on 27-07-2017 under BIRLA CSR Programme

- Promotion of vocational education and training for rural youth from low income and socially marginalized families
Donor: European Union
Project Aim
- To create sustainable livelihoods for youth from low income and socially marginalized groups in rural areas and small towns through employable vocational education which is in alignment with market demand
Geographical Area and Coverage :
Chitradurga, Gulbarga districts of Karnataka and Anantpur district of Andhra Pradesh
- Established 25 well equipped Rural Vocational Education and Employment Centres (RVEC)at rural or semi-urban level and 3 District Vocational Education and Employment Centres (DVEC) – RVECs are established within CMRC areas to ensure sustainability
- 11674 youth registered of which more than 5000 candidates provided long and short term courses at the RVECs. 92% of trained candidates supported for salaried jobs and self employment
- Parents convinced to send daughters for courses to RVECs
- Response to RVECs encouraged MYRADA to replicate the concept in all its working areas
- Average income of candidates on course completion has been Rs.6360 per month
- RVECs able to negotiate with pvt institutes for fee reduction and getting free accommodation through advocacy with Department of Social Welfare
- KVT& SDC Short Term Skill Training
Donor: Karnataka Vocational Training & Skills Development Corporation )KVT&SDC), Bangalore, a GoK undertaking
Project Objectives :
Short term Modular Employable Skills (MES) Training under Skills Development Initiative Scheme (SDIS) of Directorate General of Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoI, for school/college drop outs and unemployed youth.
Geographical Area and Coverage :
Working area of 30 CMRCs and 1 SoukhyaSamudayaSamsthe in 5 districts of Karnataka (Bellary, Chamrajnagar, Chitradurga, Kolar and Gulbarga)
- Programme handled by CMRCs;
- Courses offered included Computers, training to use Tally (accounting software), Desk Top Publishing, Tailoring, Beautician course, electrician training, repair of home appliances and mobile phones, soft skills
- 1492 candidates completed training and 70% of them placed in employment or self-employed. Average monthly income of self employed/salaried candidates – Rs.4000-5000
- Four Wheeler Mechanic cum Driver Training Programme
Donor: Power Grid Corporation of India
Project Objectives
- Provide employable skills to youth from low income and socially marginalized groups in rural and semi urban areas
- Extend hand holding support to trained youth for getting license and employment
Geographical Area and Coverage :
95 candidates in Gulbarga, and Chitradurga districts of Karnataka
- Programme implemented with support of CIDORRS and CMRCs
- 95 youth completed training
- 90% of trained youth got license and supported to get jobs/self employment
- MYRADA SannaSanthe Project
Donor: IBM
Project Objectives :
Encouraging rural artisans to produce high quality good for rural markets within the districts
Geographical Area and Coverage :
Working area of 1 CMRC in Gulbarga district
- Survey conducted to identify rural artisans and set up Micro Product Groups (MPGs)
- 18 women received free training in making paper/jute/cloth bags
- Trained women organized into MPGs and linked to markets (sold during temple fairs in Pune) and provided revolving grant
- Programme handed over to CMRC
- Challakere Garment Unit
Donor: Power Grid Corporation of India
Project Objectives
- To provide employable skills to local population
- Provide employment locally to trained by setting up an industrial unit
Geographical Area and Coverage :
Challakere Town
- Programme being managed by CMRC
- Full-fledged garment industrial unit established with 50 sewing machines, over lock, button and other machines. CMRC also invested in purchase of some equipment such as furniture
- 100 persons employed
Apart from these there are several vocational and skill training activities that MYRADA has undertaken in the past forty years. On all project, funds were earmarked specially for this activity. Several rural training centres and training-cum-production centres have been established.