1. The Myrada Experience
By Aloysius P. Fernandez, April 4, 2018
Pages : 507

2. The MYRADA Experience – Alternate Management Systems For Savings And Credit Of The Rural Poor First Edition: June, 1992 & reprints on May 9, 1993 & Jan 30, 1994. Second Edition on 1998.
Second Edition
This easy to read booklet of 150 pages explains MYRADA’s experience in developing and promoting the Self-help Affinity Group (SAG) strategy and its efforts to change policy to support this alternate credit management model.

3. The MYRADA Experience -A Manual For Capacity Building Of Self Help Affinity Groups(SAGs) First Edition : April 2000, Second Edition : June 2001 and Third Edition : March 2006.
This publication brings together a wealth of experience of MYRADA’s trainers. Though the title mentions self-help groups, it can be used for institutional capacity building for any community-based organization. It’s a friendly Manual to be used by field trainers engaged in training any CBO. It is widely used in several parts of India and abroad as it fulfills a long felt need. Pages 205.

4. The MYRADA Experience – A Manual for Finance and Management Systems of Self Help Affinity Groups with Criteria for a Social Audit.

5. The MYRADA Experience – Putting Institutions First – Even in Micro Finance January 2001
Putting Institutions First – Even in Micro Finance
Putting Institutions First –Even in Micro Finance is a small attempt to analyse the impact of the strategy adopted by MYRADA’s to use the management of credit as an empowering tool. The book draws from studies made by CATAD and Aga Khan Foundation as well as from studies conducted by MYRADA. The findings indicate that MYRADA should continue with its mission of Building Peoples Institutions, leaving the provision of micro finance to institutions meant primarily for this purpose like Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks. However with the recent pressures on these Banks that is making it increasingly difficult for them to service small loans even to Self Help Affinity Groups, MYRADA took the initiative to promote Sanghamithra.

6. The Myrada Experience – WHY DO SELF HELP GROUPS SOMETIMES FAIL? A Short study of Non–Functioning Self Help Groups In Three Myrada Project Areas. Based on the Field work Report of Matthew Luke Osborne with an independent Case Study by Marianne Luders.

7. Participatory Impact Monitoring of Self-help Groups and Watersheds A Users’ Handbook. This users’ manual is based on an earlier seminal study called “NGO-Based Participatory Impact monitoring of an Integrated Rural Development Project in Holalkere Taluk, Karnataka State, India” which was conducted by a joint team from the University of Humboldt, Berlin and Myrada staff in Myrada’s Holalkere Project. This handbook has been used by field workers promoting Self Help Affinity Groups (SAGs) and Watershed Management Institutions. It gives detailed guidelines on how to assess important impacts in these two types of peoples’ institutions. This Manual is another small step towards Building Poor Peoples Institutions, which is the Mission of Myrada. The manual is the result of the efforts of Anke Schurmann from DWH and a group of Myrada staff from Myrada’s Holalkere, Huthur and Germalam Projects.

8. An Operations Manual for CMRC Managers and Board Members of Community Managed Resource Centres (CMRCs)
An Operations Manual for CMRC Managers and Board Members of
Community Managed Resource Centres (CMRCs).

9. The MYRADA Experience – The Interventions of a Voluntary Agency in the Emergence and Growth of People’s Institutions for Sustained and Equitable Management of Micro- Watersheds. Second Edition -December, 1994 Reprint: April 2002
This publication describes MYRADA’s experience in developing a participative management strategy for micro watersheds. It is based on my MYRADA’s experience in Gulbarga a drought prone area in northern Karnataka. This pilot project was supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation in collaboration with the Government of Karnataka. It was perhaps the first instance where three partners (SDC,GoK and an NGO) were involved formally in intervention.

10. Resource Management In Rainfed Drylands An Information Kit January 1997
Published in 1997, this is a joint publication of IIRR (Philippines) and MYRADA. It contains papers submitted by 80 authors from Research Institutes, Universities, NGOs and individuals involved in dryland agriculture. This publication of 345 pages contains a wealth of information on the technical and management issues involved in dryland agriculture.

11. The MYRADA Experience – A Manual for Capacity Building of People’s Institutions Managing Watersheds (2004)
A Manual for Capacity Building of People’s Institutions Managing Watersheds. This Manual is the result of close to two decades of work done by Myrada in building people’s institutions in the context of watershed development. It does not touch on technical aspects of watershed structures but is exclusively focused on the capacity building of watershed institutions – in particular, the watershed development association. The Manual is arranged in 6 Sections and 21 Modules of training that can be directly taken up with watershed institutions by field staff of the facilitating agency.

12. Sanghamithra – A Micro-finance Institution with a Difference (2004).
A Micro-finance Institution with a Difference.The idea of Sanghamithra was born in 1993 but it was several years before the institution took on a distinct shape and identity, and several more before it could clear various legal hurdles and start lending operations. This period was one of discovering strengths, building visions, defining partnerships and establishing precedents. This publication traces in sensitive and elaborate detail all the processes that went into shaping Sanghamithra into a micro-finance institution with a difference.

13. A technical hand book on watershed implementation (Kannada).

14. A hand book of information on Anaemia (Kannada).

15. A hand book on family health (Kannada).
Wish to have a copy of your own please contact us : myrada@myrada.org